What’s Next in Plant-Based Vitamins and Minerals

The health and wellness industry has seen a significant shift towards plant-based vitamins and supplements over the past few years. As consumers become increasingly conscious about their health and the environment, the demand for plant-based alternatives continues to soar. But what’s next in this rapidly evolving sector? Let’s look into the future of plant-based vitamins and supplements and explore the innovations and trends that are set to redefine the industry.

Personalized Nutrition

One of the more exciting advancements in plant-based supplements is the rise of personalized nutrition. Using data from genetic tests, lifestyle assessments and health stories, companies are now able to create tailored supplement regimens that cater to an individual’s specific needs. This approach ensures that consumers get the exact nutrients they need in the right amounts, maximizing health benefits and minimizing waste.

"41% of UK consumers agree that supplements that are made solely from plant-based ingredients are the most appealing, and in the US, 45% of consumers would like to see more plant-based versions of VMS products"

Innovative Plant Sources

While traditional plant sources like spinach, kale and berries have long been used in supplements, researchers are now exploring more exotic plants and herbs for their unique nutritional benefits. Superfoods like moringa, ashwagandha and adaptogenic mushrooms are gaining popularity for their potent health properties. The future will see an even broader array of plant sources being utilized, each offering distinct health benefits.


Ashwagandha and Holy Basil can meet the demand for natural stress-relief solutions by focusing on their holistic benefits, including improved mental clarity and resilience to stress. 47% of US consumers are open to new methods of stress management.

*Adaptogens can have inherent off-notes like bitterness or astringency. Sensient has developed a variety of taste modulators to reduce the unwanted off-notes and improve the overall taste profile of your product.*

Sustainable and Ethical Sourcing

Sustainable and ethical sourcing are becoming paramount in the supplement industry. Consumers are increasingly demanding transparency about where and how their supplements are sourced. Future trends will likely see a greater emphasis on sourcing ingredients from sustainable farms and employing fair trade practices. Additionally, there will be a push towards minimizing the environmental impact of production processes, including the use of eco-friendly packaging.

Herbs like algae and hemp are recognized for their robustness and ability to thrive under climatic stress; brands can highlight their adaptability to harsh weather patterns and their holistic health benefits. Promoting climate-resilient herbs aligns with growing consumer interest in personal and planetary health.

Due to the growing consumer demand for clean labels, natural colors are increasingly being utilized in pharmaceutical and nutraceutical products. The move towards natural colors and sustainable practices reflect a broader shift in consumer preference for more environmentally friendly and health conscious products.

Learn more about our Sustainability Strategy, including our commitment to sustainable supply chain and product design.

“86% of consumers in Spain would choose a product with environmentally friendly packaging over one without”

Advanced Formulations

The next wave of plant-based supplements will feature advanced formulations that combine multiple nutrients and plant extracts to target specific health concerns. For example, formulations designed to boost immune function, improve cognitive health or enhance athletic performance will become more sophisticated. These multi-nutrient supplements will provide a convenient and effective way for consumers to address specific health goals.

Functional Foods and Beverages

In addition to traditional tablet and capsule forms, plant-based vitamins and supplements will increasingly be integrated into functional foods and beverages. This trend makes it easier for consumers to incorporate essential nutrients into their daily diets. Expect to see more fortified snacks, drinks and meal replacements that deliver targeted health benefits while also being delicious and convenient.


The future of plant-based vitamins and supplements is incredibly promising. With advancements in personalized nutrition, sustainable sourcing, innovative plant sources, advanced formulations, and functional foods and beverages, consumers can look forward to a new era of health and wellness products. These innovations will not only enhance our well-being but also contribute to a more sustainable and ethical world. As the industry continues to evolve, staying informed and embracing these latest trends will be key to optimizing our health and wellness journeys.

1. Mintel GNPD 2024
2. Kantar Profiles/Mintel, August 2021

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